We can help restore build Credit

By challenging errors and discrepancies on your credit report, we can help you improve your credit score and increase your chances of getting approved for loans, credit cards, and apartments. With our expertise and experience in the credit industry, we know how to navigate the system and identify opportunities to improve your credit.

What We Do


Our professional credit repair specialists can also provide or recommend various options for how to handle negative items on consumers’ credit reports, and also help to decide the best way to proceed based on their circumstance and their long-term credit and financial goals.

Reviewing Credit Reports

Our service entails reviewing the credit reports of consumers, customers, or clients from all three credit bureaus. Our credit repair specialist makes sure that clients, consumers or customers are aware of their rights to dispute information on their own for free.

Monitor credit bureaus (CRAs)

Monitor credit bureaus, also known as credit reporting agencies (CRAs), use the three major credit agencies Equifax, Experian, and Transunion. After reviewing the full credit report a credit repair specialist will also assist in the composition of the appropriate letters to the credit bureaus and to debt collection agencies.

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Credit Corrected can challenge various types of discrepancies on your credit report.

Types of Discrepancies Credit Corrected Can Challenge:

Your credit report should accurately reflect your personal information, including your name, address, and social security number. If any of this information is incorrect, it could negatively impact your credit score. Credit repair companies can challenge these errors, ensuring that your personal information is accurate.

If you’ve been a victim of identity theft or credit card fraud, your credit report could reflect fraudulent activity. Credit repair companies can challenge these errors, ensuring that any fraudulent accounts or charges are removed from your credit report.

Duplicate accounts can sometimes appear on your credit report, which can negatively impact your credit score. A credit repair company can help you identify these duplicates and work with credit bureaus to have them removed.

Your credit report should reflect accurate information about your accounts, including the balances, payment history, and credit limits. If any of this information is incorrect, it could negatively impact your credit score. Credit repair companies can challenge these errors, ensuring that your account information is accurate.

Sometimes, items on your credit report are unverifiable. For example, a creditor may have reported a delinquent payment, but you don’t remember ever having that account. Credit repair companies can challenge these unverifiable items, ultimately removing them from your credit report.

Credit repair companies have expertise and experience in the credit industry. They understand the laws and regulations that govern credit reporting and can use their knowledge to navigate the system effectively. They know how to identify errors and discrepancies on your credit report and can challenge them on your behalf.

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